Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Project Mgmt Discussion Topic - Week 3.2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project Mgmt Discussion Topic - Week 3.2 - Essay Example However, the system has been criticized in various ways because of the fact that it may not offer long term solutions to sustained increased performance. In the first place, the system plays an important role by making the members to increase their efforts in order to get more benefits. This is a good move since the team ends up achieving more. However, one of the disadvantages is that the system does not create and sustain intrinsic motivation (Emerson & Loehr 2008). For this reason, some members often do not put their best in the work because they are not motivated by the incentives they receive. In most cases, the attention often shifts to those that do best and not encouraging those that do not. In this case, the mode of motivation can affect work relationship between the members of the team (Emerson & Loehr 2008). The manager needs to ensure that the method he uses elicits maximum intrinsic motivation from its members. In as much as the project has to succeed from achievement of its set targets, it does not need to achieve them at the expense of its workers; instead, it needs to ensure that the attained results are celebrated by all members because of their combined efforts and effective motivation

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