Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reaction to and Criticism of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies Essay

Behavior therapy and cognitive therapy are both popular methods used by counselors and therapists to change a person’s perception about themselves and situations surrounding them. In this essay, the writer will attempt to critique each type of therapy, as well as give a short personal reaction to each. Behavior therapy was developed from several older theories, but it has definitely gone its own way in terms of how â€Å"abnormal behaviors† are looked at and treated (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 243). For example, unwanted behaviors are not immediately classified as illnesses, and they are treated as normal behaviors are in terms of how they are developed (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 243). According to the chapter, abnormal behaviors are learned in much the same way as normal behaviors (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 243). It is human nature to learn through experiences, so bad experiences over a long period of time would logically lead to abnormal behavior. However, if someone is alerted that their behaviors are unacceptable and must change, behavioral therapy can give the person training in how to reverse that behavior (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 244). Basically, this writer draws from the reading that making someone want to change their behavior is behind the success of behavioral therapy. It is human nature to want to fit into society, and so making eliminating unwanted behavior seem like a way to achieve â€Å"fitting in† is enough motivation for most people to change. The behavior therapy chapter was full of good information on ways to make people change their behaviors. The authors admitted that this type of therapy usually takes quite a few sessions, and I can easily understand why that would be the case (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 263). In particular, if one reads the case study involving the man with the uncontrollable urge to expose himself, it is easy to see how a behavior that has spanned twenty years would be very hard to let go of (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, pp. 273-276). However, finding the basis of the behavior and taking steps to make it undesirable saved him from another confinement (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 276). I feel that behavior therapy plays on the primal human urge to not stand out. This would make it a good approach to use on a person who feels cut off from society, and a good way to make them feel more accepted. Cognitive therapy is based less on what a person does and more on how a person thinks (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 285). It is similar to the psychoanalytic method, but differs in that the thoughts of a person can be interpreted for what they are, not as vessels for repressed memories (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 287). Many people have distorted ideas about themselves and their world, and that is where psychological problems stem from(Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 286). The idea of cognitive therapy is to take those ideas and restructure them into views that are actually more in sync with what is true (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 287). This writer believes that many people could benefit from cognitive therapy, because many look down on themselves and think that they are less than what they are. Although cognitive therapy is based on thought, and seems to assert it is human nature to be led by one‘s thoughts, it is often combined with behavior therapy(Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 288). I believe this is because thoughts lead to actions, so undesirable thoughts would naturally lead to undesirable actions. The authors state that part of cognitive therapy is testing if thoughts are logical, and working on ways to change them if they are not (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 287). The only concern I would have with this method would be using it with someone who is potentially suicidal. Having someone reflect on such dangerous thoughts might end in tragedy if the situation were not handled correctly. Overall, the cognitive approach along with the behavioral approach to therapy seems to be a good fit for a lot of the psychological problems that plague people.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Heaney as a Modern Poet

Seam's Haney as a poet of Modern Ireland Seam's Haney epitomizes the dilemma of the modern poet. In his collection of essays ‘Preoccupations' he embarks on a search for answers to some fundamental questions regarding a poet: How should a poet live and write? What Is his relationship to his own voice, his own place, his literary heritage and his contemporary world? In ‘Preoccupations' Haney imagines ‘Digging' itself as having been ‘dug up', rather than written, observing that he has ‘come to realize that It was laid down in me years ago'.In this sense, the poetic act is one of ‘retrieval'-of recovering something that already exists-rather than of creating something entirely new from whole cloth, Plagued by the moral dilemma of sympathizing with the school of thought that wanted to destroy the Protestant supremacy, and being a poet, he could not condone violence. This dilemma tore him apart and gave way to a sense of fragmented Identity and an Inevit able nihilism. It Is this sense of the repetition of cycles rooted deep in the past that attracted Haney to Glob's book on The Bog People.What Glob offers is an image off pre-Christian, northern European tribal society in which ritual violence is a necessary part of the structure of life. Most of the Iron-Age bodies recovered from the Jutland Bogs and documented by Glob had been the victims of ritual killings, many of them having served as human sacrifices to the Earth Goddess Nervous. Haney detected a kinship between the Pagan civilizations of Jutland and Ireland's own Celtic traditions.Haney in a conversation affirms â€Å"Irish Catholicism is continuous with something older than Christianity†. Honey's first extended attempt at conflating his understanding of Glob's Jutland rituals with his own sense of mythic and modern history comes in the ‘Tolland Man'. The Tolland Man is one of the recovered bodies by Glob in this book. He was a victim sacrificed to Nervous, In th e hope of securing a good crop from the land, and It Is In this sense that he is, as Haney describes him as ‘Bridegroom to the goddess'.Haney imagines the killing of the Tolland Man and his subsequent burial in the Bog as a kind of violent love making between victim and goddess, In which Nervous , ‘opening her fen' reserves the victim's body by immersing it in her sexual ‘dark juices'. When the Tolland Man is dug up, many centuries later the turf cutters discover ‘His last gruel of winter seed/caked In his stomach'. Ever since Haney placed as a child In a moss- hole, Haney realized that the Bog represented for him a repository of memories of his childhood. He also recognized the Bog as being literally a storage place which held objects preserved for decades beneath It.Just as Haney believed that Ireland's history lay beneath the Bog he also began to use the Bog to project her future. The fact that poetry is a kind of continuous and complex stream of thoughts, a composite of memories In which what we have experienced in the past Is constantly merging with our experience of the moment best embodied by Eliot;s ‘Time present and time past/are both perhaps present in time future/and time future contained in time past'. Haynes poems are laced with a strong sense of alienation In the modern world and the need to negotiate the distance between origins and present circumstances.In the poem ‘Digging' learning and the privileges to which it provides access are what operates the speaker trot his tamer. The speaker sits inside looking out at his father working beneath his window. If he cannot literally dig, he can ‘dig metaphorically unearthing the detail of the life of his family and community and honoring them by preserving them in his verse. As Hellene Vender puts it, these early poems memorial ‘a life which the poet does not want to follow, could not follow, but none the less recognizes as forever a part of his inner land scape'.The language evokes a strong sense of the sight and sound of the world being described which indicates the early influence on Haney of this near contemporary English poet Ted Hughes. Language is thus deployed here with enormous precision in the impressionistic manner in order to evoke a detailed image of a very specific world with Haney describing it as the rustle of language itself. In the true modernist vein Haney takes a descent into his past which becomes analogous to his subconscious, ‘digging' out memories. The land of Ireland itself is, the object of resentment for those who endured the terrible suffering of the Great Hunger.In ‘Ata Potato Digging the ultra collective of ‘a people hungering from birth' takes on a political dimension as well as a purely descriptive one. The degradation of having to grub ‘like plants' makes the people seem worth no more than weeds so it is unsurprising that they should feel that their land is the ‘bitchy ear th'. Honey's subject matter and imagery become stark and astringent filled with death and dying and rooted firmly in his world. However, the irony becomes evident when the essence of profligacy is contrasted with famine victim could afford to throw away tea dregs or crusts.As the workers stretch out in their rest they are describes lying on faithless ground'. This reminds us of the fact that nature can set its face against humanity and behave in an unpredictable manner. It can also be argued that although Honey's work is full of images of death and dying, it is at the same time deeply rooted in life endlessly metaphorical. It holds out an offer of endlessness of cynical history of eternity. Honey's poems are ultimately peace poems intensifying the sense of beauty in contrast to the horror of violence and the pathos of needless death.

Bailout shq

The research paper sheds light on George W. Bush $700 billion bailout package, the underlying cause of its release, expected effects, achieved results and future implication in mitigating the severity of US economy in particular and global in general What makes it important? Economy contaminated, debts and deficits escalating, spraining military, image tattering, all but accompanied with the emergence of a new league of Global contenders.Is the American capitalism on the recede, do we see the fading American way of life’ the demise of American dream, is the prodigious military might losing its edge, are the very foundations of democracy, freedom and justice debauched, has really the Global American leadership paled, is this the emanation of era of vacuity or does there lie hope of return anew? Thus the bailout package ‘last in line of Bush legacy’ bears importance not only from the economic recovery perspective but by shoring up the financial vessel’ it goe s a long way in retaining the unchallenged posture of USS enterprise globally.It holds importance as it allows continuance of strings of recovery initiatives taken year back, in the absence of which the policy posture would not only lose its luster but the effort being applied to buttress the confidence would rather lose its very ground. What’s going to be done in the paper? This paper would steer by discussing root cause that ruptured the great balloon while taking into account the amount and extent of damage the great spread have unfurled. This discourse would then lead by rounding up possible steps’ those have been taken and are about to be, lead by their results and possible ramification for the future.We would then highlight other venues and alternatives’ featuring their pros and cons’ thus rounding up our discussion with the present situation on ground lead by some anticipated prognostication about the future concurring outlook. What would be the ge neral conclusion? Our general conclusion would be as vague as had been and exists to be the statistical forecasting models across the financial colossal and economic capitals. We are lingering on bits of every day stats and results while hoping to gain and engender confidence across horizon of politics, consumers, producers and investors.We would be hanging around the ray of hope and light coming across the hazy fog of doubt and tentativeness. BODY Issue/problem In current situation when the Bail-out is out in the market to do wonders and clean up the mess created by all the wrongs and blunders of nearly a decade, just weeks into passing and the same ‘gurus’ conceive no less then a miracle from this quarter a trillion short’ to halt free fall of economy into an abyss of recession. Full scale implosion has rendered shock waves that have taken tool on global scale, the burst of sub-prime bubble, spiraling commodity prices, wide scale collapses and deafening bailout s.But pundits are still in a fix, as they state current spade of crumpling dominos as mere preliminary shock, precluding the greater quake yet to come. With nearly a trillion in bank losses, yet accounting for just a portion of the total conclusive damage’ has brought financial juggernauts of the likes of JP, Merrill, Lehs, Fan & Freds on their knees and a long queue still in waiting, followed by staggering multi trillion in bail outs, yet the spiral sees no end. The rootsFor the past two decades, Americans ‘distracted’ by the direction that its government showed, has been spending much more then they own or allowed by their means, which can be seen by a steady decline of their saving rates that stood at 11% in 80s to -1% today (Jeremy, 2009). The total debt owed by the public amounts to massive $2. 5 trillion without accounting the sub-prime fiasco (Stout, 2008). Of consumption patterns, last decade saw an enormous increase in spending’ bumped up by soari ng housing prices’ though this had been the era of shrinking real wages.Without the wage increases’ riches were being made by selling homes without ever thinking that for how long this cycle would swing, as the point would ultimately reach when stalemate would occur, when people would be left with no money to buy expensive properties. Without such logical thinking, things went on moving so much so that the American home owners extracted nearly $5 trillion since 2001 in various forms like refinancing their mortgages (Stout, 2008), home equity and selling till the dooms day occurred, when whole system based on faltered assumption on the lines of Dot Com collapsed.The reason it has been called ‘distraction’ is the fact that the policies engineered by the government wrongly encouraged the public to tow the dangerous path of callous burning up of goods and services while giving birth to a banking system that fueled this trend, thus slowly and gradually the stru cture moved away from the production and sales, to the addiction of free goods and manipulation of debts. Its severityBut what can been seen are just the ripples of a much greater storm brewing underneath. The enormity of discomfiture can be sensed from the fact that; much touted Financial Bulwarks which had been the symbols of robustness of Western financial system’ shattered one after the other under the weight of digressive mass that they them selves had accumulated. It’s not just a coincidence that all major heavy weights’ having Market capitalism worth economies of whole continents fell in a domino fashion.Chain reaction that imploded out of stray atoms of greed and insatiability, proliferated all out radiation that not only destroyed what ever came in its radius of hazard but contaminated the whole environment’ with effects ready to haunt for decades if not generations to come. From appalling fall of the Lehman to assuaging of Freddies, from taking over of Bears to engulfing of Lynchs, from engineering of Wachovia to warranting AIG, this is the League of Extraordinary Lineage that formed the first line of casualties and wiped out of the face of financial global map.Institutions that bore the brunt of world wars, civil unrest and the jolt of nine-eleven couldn’t hold onto the tremors of massive mortgage eruption. So immense had been the awe that the birth place of free market is forced to ‘nationalize’ the juggernauts of its economy, leaving far lasting scars on its own face. Whether they could ever be healed, doubt it! This patient needs an all out surgery†¦ Key players US is the economy that is run by banks and its derivative financial institutions’ thus it’s the bankers economy.This is the heartland of capitalism’ the motherland of free economy and the greatest champion of demos-cracy. All this comes into being and blends up when we have a strong financial system making up its ba ckbone. Banking industry spreading over a century has gradually formulated an environment where the resilience of economy rests on credit ‘the practice of lending’, thus making customers or more appropriately the consumers as being the second important tier of whole system.Third comes the government that regulates, governs and looks after the regulatory fabric under whose auspices the system works. Fourth comes the wealthy foreign governments that lend their excesses to the US government, financial institutions and its people, acting as investors willing to quench unsubsiding thirst of the whole nation. One way or the other’ the complicity of all four players is there behind spurring the situation out of control and ultimately collapse.And so is the ensuing blame game that is engulfing both the side of Pacific, where the Eastern coast (of pacific) blames the monetary glut of the west for the flow of excessive credit and hence slipping the market while commentator s on the western front criticizes lax regulations that let the wall street and its giant entities to wreck internal havoc to their economy but slipping nullifying their own regulatory frame works.Who ever was responsible’ but one ground on which every body concedes is the let-go attitude of US government that let the bubble grow out of proportion’ the blind eye they let to this fiasco to happen. On every front’ it’s the people (American tax payers) those are to suffer. They lost the credit, lost their homes, lost jobs, burdened their future and indebted their children. For all the follies committed on Wall Street ‘under the auspices of government’ and the preceding foreclosures and bailouts’ these are the ordinary people who are going to pay for each penny being spent’ form their own pockets.What are they trying to achieve To intoxicate the contaminated body. Over the years’ under lax or almost no rules and regulations, A merican banks and insurance and ‘pre-insurance’ industries accumulated charges worth trillions on their balance sheets, which were backed by literally nothing. Thus over the time’ as the mortgage advances climbed up’ it began to create a much bigger vacuum on their back that suddenly ended up in Boom! A shock that made the whole structure collapse under its own weight.Now the government is trying to cleanse this mess, by buying mountains of crap ‘bad assets’ to clear up bank’s balance sheets, keep them until the economy recovers and to sell them back to public when crap turns into something worthy! 5 Thus the underlying cause of this whole drill is to lighten up the bank’s load so that they could get stand again and start functioning by lending. This is vital as banking industry forms the very backbone of US economy and without it their can not be any recovery.This would lead of credit that serves as a fuel for other economic act ivities, the eased credit would halt the fall of other financial and industrial units thus containing the contagion from spread, this stabilization would enhance the investor’s confidence that would ease up the investing and buying constraint that is the cause of pain from other side of equation. Thus the whole bailout or Emergency Economic Stabilization act is a move to stabilize the economy and retort the keel to its original location. Approaches Let us first segregate the two approaches being proposed by two different sects of economists into plan A and B.The former being proposed by the Government and calls for its take over of the whole crisis, the later one to give market the stimulus to act and heal by its own forces. Intervention on such a colossal scale is inconceivable in a country which had been the forefather of free-market and founder of capitalism. Instead of protecting the American Tax Payers, the elected lot seems hell bent in protecting a few. Despising any s anity what so ever, the American government is ready to buy the unsecured assets (otherwise valued at zero) for $65, having a floating market value of mere 25 cents, thus paying 3200% more of their worth (Baker, 2008).RTC (Resolution Trust Corp) made to trace and capture companies before they begin to collapse (Wilson, 2009). It has been created in light of the current Bail out bill that would allow the government to buy bad loans directly from lenders at lower rates that would relieve banks from carrying dead weights, restructure them and sell them off gradually as the market heals and stabilizes, thus mitigating an immediate and blunt affect to the economy and public. Yes, it worked in 80s and banking on its legacy it should work according to Government speculations’ who says an agency is needed to oilify the chocked financial engine.But this agency would work if we tow for plan A, the Bail out etc. What conflicts exists Starting form the fact that United States is the most indebted nation, with a burden of $12 trillion and yearly obligations amounting $500 billion (Bebchuck, 2008), having Forex reserves less then the tiny Taiwan, followed by record budget and trade deficits. To square all, United States economy was in a quagmire already and it’s in ruination after the Big Bang. Various moves on part of Fed to lubricate the economic engine by throwing billions into the parched market seems of little or no help at all.Melting down of financial bulwarks one after the other is evidence of enormity of damage followed by the deafening bail out plan. Isn’t it absurd that US with no money of its own to even buy the Chinese toys is reeling towards this colossal move. From where all this money would come? Print it! No way; a near trillion worth of ‘printed’ Greenback into the market is going to burst yet another balloon of Inflation and nose dive the already struggling Dollar, leading to a chocking scenario. So what else? Borrow more !Already a single country like China holding nearly a trillion worth of US securities would further make America’ the world’s strongest democracy defer to the largest communists (Harvey, 2008). But would they be willing to buy more of the crap US assets? Let’s just forget the world, See who is borrowing. The US Government, but the Government earns nothing of its own. These are the taxes that make and run governments, so more borrowing means added obligations upon the people of United States and their Children and their Grand Children who are being held hostage for the blunders of their own obdurate corporations (Harvey, 2009).Look at the Horizon and see the doom and gloom ? Bears Stern taken over by JP Morgan, Bank of America taking over the 94 years old Merrill Lynch, world’s top insurer AIG pledging for its own insurance (Whalen, 2008), collapse of the 158 year legacy the Lehman Brothers, which had survived the Civil war, world wars, the 9/11 but couldn ’t hold on for this swap, all costing Fed hundreds of billions (Demyanyk, Yuliya S. and Van Hemert, 2008).? Fed Liquidity Program, Economic stimulus package, Federal Housing Admin scheme and further injections has already amounted to $1 trillion (Demyanyk, Yuliya and Van Hemert, 2008). ? The Bail out of Fannie and Freddie alone have price tag of $200 billion (Bardhan, 2008). All but excluding yet another $700 billion proposed bail out for ‘securing’ the faltering US institutions, amounting to a staggering total of $1. 8 trillion!! (Davidoff and Zaring, 2008)The new bill is being floated to each American citizen, with the liability of $5000 each, while keeping aside the $11. 8 trillion of ‘previous’ debt (Davidoff and Zaring, 2008). Now as far as the talk holds for going social or keeping the system capitalist, it doesn’t matter which one operates unless the operators are responsible and sincere to the people who let them operate on their behal f. It is said that the corporate America seems best in capitalist mode as long as the system churns profits and it immediately retorts to being Socialized when faults surfaces.In today’s scenario when all the elements of a healthy financial system are showing pathological signatures of ailments which had been there for long time, but was let to grow to extent of tumor. Yes the Government should move forward as it is their job to cleanse the system of toxics and let the body heal by itself, but wait what we are seeing? Instead of letting the body to recover and reform in its very own ‘natural’ way, the surgeon general is transplanting the whole organs with ‘expectations’ that they won’t be rebelled. What if they would!Then hope the patient would survive. Potential remedies/solutions †¢ Of all the argument, nothing said goes against capitalism and the market system whose strength can be seen in the spread of wealth and economic upheaval of billions of people out of poverty, but the most impressive of its geniuses is its greater healing capacity, the savior fair to purge itself of infections if any that might arise in its body. Today its like an ailing body which needs medication to the extent of strengthening itself and to mend in its own ‘natural’ way rather then forced ministration†¢ There needs to be a global ruling body on the lines of UN that should govern and check world economies and corporations from detracting into direction that would cause harm on global scale. So does the question that’ as to why despite all the warnings by European Central Bank officials, no pre emptive or lets say preventive step was taken at first to check the bubble to expand to such explosive levels and then from a sudden burst? (Bardhan, 2008) If so why wasn’t there no such levy erected to counter the incumbent tide of destructive tsunami†¢ There are more doubts then ever before that the market me chanism of supply and demand triggering ‘fears’ and the so called jolting of ‘confidence’ of investors, leading to massive buying or selling sprees have grown to be shadowy. Proven recently from the Oil price fiasco, its rise and maniac fall clearly shows the manipulative force acting in an unruly fashion. Check the trend which is drifting more towards exploitive ness then genuine speculation (Murphy, 2008).†¢ The whole banking system should be re organized and re founded on a more solid and sound foundations, with revised rules and regulations to halt such a scenario from erupting ever again. Reinvigorating this industry could include equity investment, recapitalization of the bank assets i. e. purchasing the bad assets for cash that would help the fledging industry with the much needed cash while letting the government to exercise a limited control to steer the institutions out of the doldrums (Schwarcz, 2008).†¢ And off course the US Tax payers should not have been dragged to bear the brunt of the debacle and wrong practices of corporate world, which had grown to be voracious and hoggish in its never ending appetite of leasing and lending for windfall profits. Instead of throwing trillions into this engulfing black hole, people should be given relief by letting them pay back through jobs, raised salaries, slashed interests and extended pay back periods. In this respect the Mortgage assistance is necessary’ this could be done in any form i.e either the home owners be given leverage to pay back the borrowed credit by lowering of interest rates, making the payment schedule long enough that should not hamper the life style or the credit for ownership be converted into something like monthly rent’ that would be nominal enough to ward off the burden and wouldn’t render homes unoccupied. CONCLUSION General conclusion & Internal/External forces An incident that took place inside the United States has become a global issue. Thus its not the US alone that is shaping its course’ there are multiple forces now acting on it.Internally the new US administration has taken a shift towards more of stimulating the economy then to put all eggs in caskets of fallen juggernauts. There’s more of realization in extending a helping hand to the Main Street then the Wall, as they believe in giving a push to the unconventional engines of economy to burn then to rectify the more conventional powerhouses’ demise of which lead to this failure. Externally’ all those capitals and their financial entities that had any link in one form or the other has bore the brunt of the great crumple.It’s the sheer size of US economy that can not be ignored, the after shocks of the quake that jolted this land are still being felt across the globe, that transpired into several global integrated moves and till now’ two G20 summits. Issues have now metamorphed and transpired into trade, barriers, national bailouts, global credit, energy†¦and is growing more complex. At the time when single combined stance is direly needed, there’s temptation across the horizon for receding back and protecting own borders by raising the levies across frontiers.The US with all its bailouts can not even come into being without foreign government’s nodes to finance them, America can heal without others lending life saving medicament on credit. And as the fears grow for more nationalistic approach by the US government getting protectionist while confining its bailout money only to the made by American’s industry, fears for back lash from across the shore’ specifically the Pacific would be harmful. Today America needs world more then the opposite, the current recession has already altered focus and has dragged it away.World has benefited and lately suffered from what came out of US shores, what matters now is’ what comes in! What’s the prese nt trend? ‘Glimmers of Hope’ can best describe the present situation as stipulated by the current US President’ supplemented by words of caution that the economy still needed time and a zealous effort to heal lest recoil. The statement might be true if put into context that the free fall is not that free now and things have begun to look less awry and not outwardly defiled.Stock exchange can be seen to trek towards damage attenuation, SMEs are showing desire for loans thus setting forth the signs that they have begun to trust the banking entity ‘again’, tax reductions announced in all of previous packages would soon bear fruit by leveraging pay checks to ease’ thus paving way for mortgage industry to palliate as it offers worthwhile deals because of the all-time-low prices (Spetalnick, 2009). Global economy has become immensely complicated to predict, overly complex to control and wild enough to steer, once disturbed’ it listens to its own.Economies have momentum; it can not be stopped and accelerated by the push and pull of pedals. So is the current situation, despite all the predictions and dooms day scenarios sketched by ‘eminent’ economist of the looming Depression’ the fall seems to lose it g! the burst seems to lose its steam and indications. Though the foreclosures are still there and so are the job and credit loses but they have simple lost the glitter. With bailout replaced by stimulus, the ointment has been replaced by healthy diet to kindle the body to heal on its own. What’s speculation for the future?â€Å"The American moment is not over, but it must be seized anew† Barack Obama, (McCain, 2009) divulging the very resolution that United States is not ready to subside rather it is there to retrieve the lost insight. USA stands to embark on a path to New Leadership with new vision suffused by common principles of humanity, security, justice and above all’ equality , but how can it assume the burden of Global Leadership amid haze of thickening economic extremity? The new commander-in-chief has got a colossal task on his hands’ would he be able to mould new leaf among the folio of history?Dispelling the Dooms day prognostication and economy-on-the-rupture speculations’ there exist a fair chance that the United States economy would be saved and so be the world. No matter how deep the fissures go’ sheer size of US economy would render it afloat, the world as we know today could not and would not let the economic colossal to collapse. Nevertheless on the realistic front, yes enormous amount of damage still roams across and severe confidence deficit exists both on the producer and consumer side’ that could only be addressed by bitter short term moves and bolder long term policies.References Admin, â€Å"World banks make emergency rate cuts. † 700billiondollarbailoutplan 08 Oct 2008 Web. 18 Apr 2009. http://www. 70 0billiondollarbailoutplan. com/2008/10/world-banks-make-emergency-rate-cuts/ Admin, â€Å"The 8 trillion dollar bailout. † 700billiondollarbailoutplan 06 jan 2009 Web. 19 Apr 2009. http://www. 700billiondollarbailoutplan. com/tag/700-billion-dollar-bailout-plan/ Baker, Dean. â€Å"An interview with Dean Baker on the US$ 700bn bailout of financial institutions. † global subsidies initiative 6 nov 2008 Web. 19 Apr 2009. http://www. 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Monday, July 29, 2019

The MainPoints of Good Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The MainPoints of Good Presentation - Essay Example The researcher of this essay analyzes the field of managing and handling information, that is one of the most important tools in person-to-group interaction and especially discusses presentations, that can be used for different types of events including projects and reports and many else. One of the most important parts of this form of presentation is defining the issue. The researchr states that if you are not precise in doing so, the whole presentation will lack a clear focus, and the audience will be at a loss as to what you are attempting to accomplish. Following Fairbairn and Winch, that were refered to in the study, the differences between the nuances of meaning may seem minimal but the wording of presentation depends on having decided in the early stages of the presentation what the question means. It is stated that the goal of this kind of presentation is not to demonstrate a conventional, personal thesis, but to clarify a situation or problem so that members of an audience h olding diverse viewpoints can better discuss their individual differences or move forward on a project. The researcher then describes his current strengths and weaknesses in presentations as well as presents areas of improvements, that are needed to be reached in the future. The researcher then concluds that all the steps and techniques discussed can be effectively applied to business writing helping to organize and business research process. Literature review was one of the main methods that helped to improve knowledge and skills in the area.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Managing strategic change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Managing strategic change - Essay Example In 2003 the system of tax credits for children and for adults was overhauled and extended, such that the meaning of means-testing has been substantially changed. The NHS Plan, published in 2000, finally produced a major cash injection for the service, the results of which did not begin to be felt until the end of 2001. Only after acting to redraw the work-welfare relationship to embody the ideas of opportunity and responsibility via the new instruments of the New Deals and tax credits did New Labour begin to justify vastly increased expenditure on health and education as necessary investments in human capital. It is also crucial to note that Labour Party leaders expressed caution about how much the state could actually do to achieve these ideas at the heart of its policy goals. In a speech on 'modernising central government' in 1998, Tony Blair said: 'Big government is dead. The days of tax and spend are gone. ( When people come together in groups, communities, cities or nations, levels of confusion and anxiety rise. Attempts are made to manage this anxiety by creating structure, rules and legislation. Organizations can be viewed as mini societies in which changes are driven or resisted in accordance with the beliefs that are deeply held by the members of that society. The beliefs may not be articulated explicitly. They may be conveyed symbolically, through such things as stories, myths, rituals and ceremonies. (Klein, 2003) Force field analysis was developed by Kurt Lewin. Force field analysis enables managers to identify the forces that are likely to restrain a particular change. Force field analysis is sometimes used with groups in order to structure an open discussion about what is blocking a change. Having identified the potential sources and levels of resistance, Lewin suggested that managers should act so as to reduce the restraining forces, rather than to intensify the forces driving the change. Lewin, like Newton, argued that to every action there was an equal and opposite reaction. Increasing the forces for change increases the forces resisting it. Overcoming resistance was characterized by Russell-Jones as a movement from defiance, through compliance to alliance. Central to the effectiveness of any approach to man-aging resistance is the quality of the relationships that managers develop with people in the organization. We look at conversational approaches to developing closer relationships wi th people. (Johnson & Scholes, 1999) Practical Force field analysis. Unfreeze current attitudes According to BBC report Mr Nicholson, who has worked in the NHS for 29 years, said some of the changes would be aimed at reducing the NHS deficit, which topped '500 million. But he added it was also about improving services by providing the best care in fewer centres, although he acknowledged this would mean patients travelling further for treatment. Undoubtedly there will be tough decisions to make over the next 12 months to reflect changing services. ( Move to a new level According to BBC report the NHS chief executive further said that there would be up to 60 reviews of hospitals in England. He said the changes could affect every region, and may lead to emergency, maternity and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nude Study of Thomas E. Mckeller by John Singer Sargent Essay

Nude Study of Thomas E. Mckeller by John Singer Sargent - Essay Example From that time, he grew up to be an accomplished in music, art, and literature. By seventeen, he was well accustomed to expansive masters of painting. He dealt majorly on portrait paintings, but he was also skilled in painting landscape and the use of watercolor (Joselit 65). He also went to study in Germany and Italy and later in Paris under Auguste Emile. Sargent also studied with Emile, whose influence changed his artistic life from 1874 to 1878. In 1879, his effort in painting the portrait of his teacher, Emile was met with approval by the public, and this gave him the future direction. He created more than two thousand watercolors, nine hundred oil paintings and countless charcoal drawings and sketches. In 1877, Sargent had a successful exhibition at the Paris salon. His travels to Holland and Spain to study fans Hals and Velazquez, visits to North Africa and Brittany inspired him in paintings. After the controversy of â€Å"Madame X,† painting Sargent moved to London whe re he had several commissions. In 1880, he tried to make up a client site in London and so experimented with landscaping and impressionism (Joselit 77). He incorporated the styles and elements of Monet and Manet in his work. By eighteen nineties, Sargent was the preferred portraitist of representation elites. As he entered sixties, he moved to landscaping turning away from trendy portraiture. Sargent never married and died in 1925. Exhibitions in recognition of his life were mounted the same year in London, Boston, and New York. The painting Thomas E. McKeller was an African American young muscular man when the image was done. He was a bellhop and Sargent considered his facial and muscular physique unique to pose for an oil painting. The acceptance of McKellar led to production of Thomas E. McKellar Nude Study. The painting exhibits Thomas kneeling on a cushion with his arms behind the body. The posture shows well-elaborated torso accompanied with a good amount of prominence and ten sion. Thomas head in the portrait has been tilted to the side and upward gazing maybe to the heavens. The success of Sargent portrait painting of the McKellar nude study depended on skilled use of visual elements and the mastery of them. In analyzing this portrait, he emphasized the physical element from the view of the portrait size and shape. The original size of the portrait is 125.73 x 84.45 cm (49 1/2 x 33 one/4 inch.) On the canvas. Considering the shape of the portrait, he painted it on distinct rectangular frame. He designed the portrait with an impressionable view of a three dimensional shape. Sargent was able to make this portrait descriptive object in that it physical characteristics are highly explicit with good visual capability. The physical depth of the â€Å"Nude study of McKellar† explores the hidden aesthetic means and value. He portrays the object clearly and openly where the physical analyses do not compromise the audience views and thoughts. The use of li nes as a main mean of painting style is well elaborated in this portrait. He makes good use of capricious lines on Thomas portrait hence his emotional intimacy can be deciphered in this work. The outer vertical lines of the frame give the portrait some calmness, nobleness, and sense of eternality. The horizontal use of line in the cushion part gives the painting indispensable visual element of calm and peace. There is also cross lines and irregular lines behind the body

Friday, July 26, 2019

Economic Analysis of Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economic Analysis of Pollution - Essay Example Many individuals as well as international organisations have been involved in advocating for ethical ways of conducting human activities geared towards mitigating the effects of these activities to the environment. It is important to consider the fact that, economists have also been involved in this advocacy. This paper contrasts the relative merit of taxes, legal regulatory limits and tradable emissions in controlling pollution using an economic analysis. Taxes In an economics perspective, taxes can be used as mechanisms or tools for the control of pollution. Levies known as green taxes can be imposed in an attempt to prevent and as well mitigate the consequences of pollution. These taxes can also be referred to as environmental taxes. In definition, green taxes are defined as levies and can be imposed on industries and countries or nations that produce high levels of emissions. The extent of damage to the environment is a significant factor in considering and determining the amount of levies that a country should impose. Unleaded petrol and use of vehicles amounts to the highest levels of environmental pollution hence industrialised countries generate a higher amount of revenues from taxes imposed on these commodities. Commodities that have less impact on the environment in terms of emissions generate low or decreased amounts of revenue. Emissions in terms of green taxes are easier to monitor and quantify as compared to tradable permits (Norregaard and Reppelin-Hill, 2000). Imposing green taxes in these developed and industrialised countries have significantly contributed to the decrease in the amount of emissions that leads to the warming of the environment. In the industrial sector, green taxes have focused on levies imposed based on the amount of carbon dioxide produced by a specific industry. Due to the fact that it is very hard to quantify the amount or level of carbon dioxide produced by a certain industry, estimates are used. The higher the carbon diox ide produced and released to the atmosphere, the higher the taxes. This helps in discouraging industries to use fuels that generate large volumes of gases particularly carbon dioxide and subsequently adapt cleaner sources of energy. Studies done over the recent past have indicated the fact that imposing green taxes can change consumption patterns of most commodities. Imposing high taxes on unleaded petrol force individuals to change to cleaner fuels as they attract fewer taxes. This in the long run cuts significantly the amount of dangerous gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Taxes and tradable permits have divergent merits. According to Norregaard and Reppelin-Hill (2000:7), â€Å"Taxes minimise ex-post efficiency losses if the marginal cost function is steeper than the marginal damage function, while tradable permits are better if the damage function is steeper† Tradable permits Some countries some as the US have adapted the incorporation of tradable permits in the fight against environmental pollution. In contrast to green taxes, permits do not attain better and enhanced results on pollution control as they encourage industries to connive. In general, tradable permits are used with the main objective of managing and regulating the use of substances that contribute to increase in the level of emissions in the atmosphere. It is important for countries adapting this system to ensure they assess the significance and objective of these tradable permits and the benefits they will bring to the management of the environment. Plans of actions also need to be implemented to observe and monitor these emissions to the atmosphere. Permits should not be granted in a manner that would lead to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Wellness, Fitness and Longevity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wellness, Fitness and Longevity - Essay Example Physical activity varies from formal exercise, as it is basic human movement for example climbing the stairs. Its benefits are far-reaching and more so for people who do not undertake planned exercises, or those that would like to start doing planned exercises. These benefits include weight control, minimizing risk of cardio-vascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and some cancers, strengthening one’s muscles and bones and improving one’s mental health and mood (â€Å"Physical Activity and Health†, 2011). To achieve these benefits fully, one is encouraged to graduate their physical activities to a moderate level where a common chore such as washing a car should be done continuously for 40 minutes before taking a break; and they should be carried out more frequently. Therefore, this means a moderate activity is aimed at reaching a targeted heart rate first and then resting (Your Guide to Lowering High Blood Pressure). The federal strategies of physical activity in adults, as stipulated in the 2008 Americans Physical Activity procedure should include aerobics and muscle-strengthening activities. All of which should take 150 minutes per week, spread out between the two groups where aerobic activities would include brisk walking and muscle-strengthening includes weight-lifting and should be done less often. The aerobic activities vary as either moderate or vigorous where the more vigorous an activity, for instance jogging, less time should be taken to avoid injury. On the other hand, muscle-strengthening activities should involve each main muscle groups; on average, the latter group of activities should be carried out on at least two days each week. However, as one goes along and adapts to a routine of these activities, the time may be increased in order to attain even greater health benefits (â€Å"Activity for Adults†, 2008). In children, the guidelines state that they should undertake at least 60 minutes every day of aerobic activity such as running. For the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Internet Marketing and an Impact on Buying Behaviour of Teenagers Personal Statement

Internet Marketing and an Impact on Buying Behaviour of Teenagers - Personal Statement Example Page, K., & Uncles, M (2004) define Internet marketing as a marketing strategy adopted by many entrepreneurs to reach out their customers through the Internet with an organized plan and a smart marketing campaign. The author argues that the online market is growing at a rapid pace compared to the retail market so that anyone with the need to make money select Internet as his first choice. As per the statistics available, in the fourth quarter of 2005, US retail e-commerce sales totaled $26.5 billion with an increase of 27.5% just from the third quarter of 2005. At the same time, millions of people are exploring opportunities on the Internet that made the competition stiff in online marketing. The author put forward two things; an effective plan and aggressive marketing for success in Internet marketing. He has pointed out that a website without planning and the identification of the target market will definitely end in failure whereas in-depth planning will increase the chances of su ccess more. The author also argued that even amidst the stiff competition, the future of Internet marketing is bright (Hartman, J. B., Gehrt, K., & Watchravesringkan, K., 2004). Mick, D.G., & Fournier, S (1998) defines In... strategies he has pointed out other methods such as site optimization, linking, and indexing, implementing online marketing partnerships with high-profile online businesses, paid keyword advertising, etc. as the successful strategies for Internet marketing. Buying behaviors of the teenage community Lenhart, A., Rainie, L., & Lewis, O (2001) reflects on buying behaviors of the teenage community in terms of their attitude toward appearance. They argued that the marketers should make advertisements to target "jockettes" (young women who have active lifestyles) and "young metrosexuals"(young men focussed on their outward appearances) in order to convince the teen community. Gender and brands can influence the buying habits of teens according to the author. Park, C., & Jun, J.K (2003) summarizes buying behaviors of teenagers with respect to the cool looking technology and customizations of products are essential for attracting teen customers. Personalization, style, and functionality are the major features of a product which influence the teen community. Impact of Internet marketing on buying behavior of teenagers The online purchasing behavior of teens for goods like books, apparels, dining, music, practices is around half of the teenage consumers that has risen significantly from the 31 percent of statistical from the result December 2000 (Park, C., & Jun, J.K., 2003). Teens are the major segment of Internet visitors. This is not easy to convince the teen community with conventional methods of marketing. A business plan and marketing strategies are essential for canvassing the teen community through Internet marketing.  

The key factors influence the success of an international strategic Essay

The key factors influence the success of an international strategic alliance - Essay Example Unlike other kinds of associations such as mergers and acquisitions, company hierarchy frequently times allows for evaluation after entering into such deals. More often, when strategic alliance performance does not constitute monetary gains but merely other benefits, this proves hard to quantify as success it is based upon intangible criterion rather than stable financial growth procedures. Alliance goals and objectives from case studies often fluctuate considerably from the originally penned down deals and as such more difficult to define. These shortcomings are merely challenges and if handled effectively they will result in the success of an alliance; however, the four key factors are primal to success of any alliance. Introduction Rakowski and Patz (2009, p.5) defines Strategic alliance as a cooperative arrangement between two or more companies to achieve a shared goals, so that each reimbursements from the powers of the other, and gains reasonable lead. Most literature identifie s two categories of strategic alliances; those that are equity based and the non-equity based. Those that are based on equity include minority stock investments, joint ventures, to the furthest end majority investments. However, the non-equity based alliances are purely based on contractual agreements that spell out the relationships between the parties. In these arrangements the different parties to such agreements do not lose their independence and their autonomy with the regards to operations, however, the alliance do have an impact on their operations (Singh and Delios 2012, p.196). The emergence of strategic alliances has been seen as a reaction to globalization Vaidya (2006, p.256) insist that it is one of the most significant impacts of globalisation in the last 3 and a half decade coupled with the integration of markets and the increasing uncertainty and complexity in the business environment. Strategic alliances entail sharing of techniques and knowledge between parties inv olved plus schemes that involve the decrease of risks and expenses in areas such as relationships with suppliers and the development of new products and technologies. Strategic alliance has often been discussed within the realms of a joint venture, as it at times involves rivals, however more often it has a shorter lifespan than the former. Strategic partnership is a closely related concept, this paper explores the key factors influencing the success of international strategic alliances, through a two case study analysis. It is often stated that to understand the key reasons of the success, then it is imperative to grasp the rationale behind strategic alliances. The paper unearths that success depends on the levels of trust, communication, commitment and collaboration deciphering between the parties. For these factors above to flow seamlessly, the parties to the strategic alliance must have a fit with respect to alliance goals and objectives (Cullen and Parboteeah2013, p.315) its me chanics of operation and the performance evaluation criteria. Ogbor (2009, p.372) asserts that any company willing to enter into alliance with another party must look out for compatible goals; and complimentary capabilities. Globalization and Strategic Alliance With the proliferation of globalization and incorporation of markets into an international market,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Industrial Peace in Canada Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Industrial Peace in Canada - Research Paper Example Either is sometimes painful and destructive. The right of laborers to organize themselves into an association or union is warranted in Canada by its laws on labor. One exceptional character present in the trade union environment in the country is the so-called Rand formula named after its creator, Justice Ivan Rand of the Supreme Court of Canada. The principle arose in the midst of a labor strike against the Ford Motor company. Under it, all workers are obliged to pay union dues on the justification that they are benefited from the efforts which the union undertakes in their favor. In order to make sure that union dues are collected, the employer concerned is authorized by the union to deduct the same from the payroll money of the laborers. (A History of Labor Unions in Canada. [internet]). It is worth to note that on some reasonable grounds, like in the case of religious or faith orientations that do not allow followers to participate in a labor union or movement, a worker or employee may not be f orced to join the union or bargaining representative. In that case, an agency fee equivalent to the sum of the union dues has still to be paid by the worker or employee who does not wish to so join. For around forty years, union membership population in Canada has fared better than in the United States. Post-depression figures show that only about thirteen percent of workers in the U.S. have stayed as union members from the old average of thirty per cent. On the other hand, the statistics in Canada has remained strong and steady at thirty one per cent for non-agriculture manpower. For the whole public and private sectors, union membership in Canada is twice as much than the U.S. counterparts. (How "anti-union" laws saved Canadian labour: certification and striker replacements in post-war industrial relations. Industrial Relations (Canadian). GOLIATH. BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ON DEMAND. [internet]) There are now more than four million Canadians in the list of union members. Organized labor in plants and other workplaces has its advantages. Honest and sincere union leaders can very well link the rank and file workers with management such that problems of each side are immediately addressed. Rapport is enhanced when the union and the management are in constant communication. Labor-management cooperation boosts the morale of the workers and therefore increases productivity. On another note, labor unions which are duly certified bargaining representatives have certain rights under the law. If collective bargaining negotiations bog down, the certified union can petition or apply an application to go on strike. In such a deadlock, management can also declare a lockout but it will do more harm than good to the company which has a lot of capital, investments and resources to lose during the shutdown. Industrial relations in Canada Historically, strikes usually were resorted to when laborers tried to organize in order to achieve union recognition. This was so

Monday, July 22, 2019

Killing Custer Book Review Essay Example for Free

Killing Custer Book Review Essay From time to time, a book of true historical significance is written on a subject that has been written on almost endlessly. The Battle of the Little Big Horn is one of the most written about, speculated on, celebrated, talked about, and glorified events in American History. Popularly known as Custers Last Stand, it has been the subject of many films, documentaries, novels, and was even re-enacted at every Wild West Show put on by Buffalo Bill Cody. In the work Killing Custer: The Battle of Little Bighorn and the Fate of the Plains Indians, Welch and Stekler do an excellent job in the subject matter at hand, and come to the correct conclusion that this battle, which was a huge military disaster for the United States, directly resulted in an even greater disaster for the Indian victors who won it: that is, total defeat and total subjugation. The first chapter sets up the massacre of the Blackfeet on the Marias River, James Welch and Paul Stekler have done a magnificent job in researching and putting forth, a new book on this subject that has been so written about. Citing much of the new discoveries, that is archeology, and the Indian accounts, Welch was originally contacted by Stekler to do a script for a documentary for PBS’s â€Å"American Experience: Last Stand at Little Bighorn†. They worked on it together, and that particular one hour documentary was excellent. Feeling that he hadn’t exhausted the subject, Welch delved more deeply into it, and wished to write a book on the subject. â€Å"Killing Custer† was the result, and it is quite excellent indeed. It is a stunning and thrilling read from cover to cover. The information is not wholly new, but Welch and Stekler combine all of the newest discoveries into one stirring volume, and they stress the narratives, which in the past were largely discarded and disclaimed, of the Indian accounts of the battle, after all, they were the ones who survived it! The authors rightly put the battle into its historical perspective, pointing out that this huge defeat of the United States Military led directly to the total subjugation and defeat of the Plains Indians, putting them on reservations once and for all, with the final defeat and insult at Wounded Knee, the massacre that was so unnecessary and so tragic.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Notions Of Epistemic Internalism And Externalism Philosophy Essay

Notions Of Epistemic Internalism And Externalism Philosophy Essay Epistemic justification is the basis for both internalism and externalism as they relate to knowledge. Until the onset of the Gettier problems, knowledge had been commonly held as justified true belief, that is, justification added to true belief makes knowledge. However it is more commonly recognized now that there must be another element to the equation. What kind of justification? It is this question that brings forth the notions of epistemic internalism and externalism, and this question which will be critically addressed in this essay. Epistemic internalism refers to justification as an internal matter of various mental states and their relation to knowledge. Internal matter consists of memories, perceptions, reflections, etc., all of which can give rise to justification irrespective of how they relate to the external world. In other words, if you know some premise (p) then you must also know that you know (p), which is the justification of your belief. To be assessed further in this essay, internalism is supported by the related principles of evidentialism, the conclusive justification theory, virtue epistemology, and the deontological conception of epistemic justification. Inversely, epistemic externalism upholds that a decent theory of knowledge should involve a component of external justification, instead of, or in addition to internal justifications. Justification must come from some form of reliable logical process or cognitive faculty, not merely to be inferred by reflection. You can know some premise (p), if and only if your belief that (p) is i. True, and ii. justified. Again, with further investigation of the externalist foundations of reliabilism, the casual theory of knowledge, and the truth tracking condition of belief, epistemic externalism will be examined and evaluated. Internalism is primarily influenced by appealing to evidentialism as premise. Evidentialists, true to their name, require evidence to support the justification of a belief. As aforementioned, this evidence is of an internal nature, meaning, if a person S is internally justified in believing a certain thing, then this may be something he can internally know just by reflecting upon his own state of mind (Chisholm, 1989: 7) Chisholm means that something must be what he calls directly recognizable, or recognizable upon reflection, and on any occasion. When these two qualifications meet, then they, constitute grounds, or reasons, or evidence for thinking that we know [something] (Chisholm, 1977:17). He takes this theory further and separates his justification requirements into accessibility internalism in which justification is recognizable upon reflection, and in terms of the accessibility of the justification, and mental state internalism, which requires that justifiers must be internal to the mind (i.e. mental states or events). These theories extend a constraint over justification, making it necessarily directly recognizable. Matthias Steup gives the equation example, any time at which S holds a justified belief B, S is in a position to know at T that B is justified (Steup, 2001). This means that because S is able to directly recognize B, then T is the time at which direct recognition takes place. This claim, however, is refuted by external justification and will be addressed in the externalist argument to follow. Some support for internalism includes the deontological conception of epistemic justification, which is a concept of epistemic (not ethical) duties which arise in the pursuit of truth (Pappas, 2005). A equation to exemplify this, S is justified in believing P if in believing P, S does not violate any of his epistemic duties or, if in believing P, S does not fail to do what he ought to in the pursuit of truth (Steup, 2001). According to George Pappas, justification is a matter of epistemic duty fulfilment, making what determines justification identical to what determines epistemic duty. Subsequently, if what determines justification and duty is directly recognizable, then justification is directly recognizable (to ones self). Internalists argue that reliable belief formation is neither necessary nor sufficient for justification or knowledge, when added to true belief (unless supported by adequate evidence). Take the example of Descartes most sceptical theory, the Evil Demon argument, in which one cannot be sure of anything but ones own existence, due to the fact that there is no way of knowing whether or not you are being deceived. To prove that reliable belief production is not necessary for justification, internalists appeal to the possibility of deception by this demon. According to the argument, ones beliefs in the normal world would mirror that of the evil world, thus making it impossible to detect deception. However while beliefs in the normal world would be true, beliefs in the evil world would be false and, according to externalism, thus unjustified. According to internalism however, beliefs in the evil world are also supported by adequate evidence (there is no difference as far as your evidence i s concerned) and so are in fact justified. And so, according to internalists, beliefs in the evil demon world, are also usually supported by adequate evidence and are thus justified. Internalists reject the claim that being produced by reliable cognitive faculties is a necessary condition of epistemic justification (Steup, 2001). In the case of externalism it is important to understand the underpinning theories which comprise this epistemic view. Reliabilism as a theory of knowledge does not require justification, but requires truth and a reliable belief formation, for which internal reflection does not suffice. A defender of reliabilism and thus externalism as well, Frede Dretske argues that justification is not a necessary element of knowledge. By asserting that an animal is able to possess knowledge for example and that by acting on inherent beliefs enables it to know something, what additional benefits are conferred by a justification that the beliefs are being produced in some reliable way? If there are no additional benefits, what good is this justification? Why should we insist that no one can have knowledge without it? (Dretske, 1989: 95). Because of some cognitive origin of the animals belief, a reflection based internal justification becomes unnecessary and obsolete. It is however imperative that th e cognitive origin of belief is reliable. Without the reliability constraint the connection between justification and truth becomes too tenuous. Externalists as a whole believe that it is because of the link between justification and truth being so flimsy, that they demand proof of a strong likelihood of truth. This thing (x) which produces or provides reliability to a belief must, yield mostly true beliefs in sufficiently large and varied run of employments in situations of the sorts we typically encounter (Alston, 1993: 9). It is this truth factor of reliability (absent from the internalist requirements for justification) that rules out a system of beliefs perceived to be justified, but which are in fact being produced by an evil demon who creates falsity within our lives. Since the beliefs held in the evil world would not be true, and thus reliable, then they cannot be known. This proof then begs the question, of what use is internal justification if it is the sort that an evil d eceiver may possess. (Steup, 2001). Externalists refute internal justification as valid, a position that does seem to make sense practically. Simply because someone can perceive of something or reflect upon something in their mind, does not necessarily make that thing knowledge. In support of externalism is the premise of the casual belief theory, which suggests that some extra condition must be placed upon justified true belief solely comprising knowledge. This extra condition is held by externalists to be a reliable cognitive process. The truth tracking condition, developed by Robert Nozick in his 1981 work Philosophical Explorations, claims that knowledge must be true belief plus a truth tracking condition, articulated in terms of a subjunctive connection to the world. To summarize, it seems that knowledge is just a foundational concept to which we can apply various theories to provide justification in certain instances. Externalism as a theory recognizes this and instead of requiring justification by mental evidence, instead simply calls for a logical process of understanding which then leads the subject to the attainment of knowledge. Due to the convincing elements of Dretskes assertion about an animals ability to possess knowledge without the ability to reflect upon it, and the two epistemic notions of Descartes evil demon argument, it does seem that externalism is a more plausible theory of knowledge. The ability to know that you know something in your own mind remains unconvincing in terms of knowledge requirements and true belief. Externalists view justification as an evaluative term of appraisal, meaning that it is used to judge the nature of a belief, not to determine whether or not a belief can be knowledge. Internalists on the other hand require justification, but limit this justification to mental processes. It simply seems illogical to suppose that memories, beliefs, and reflection can be requirements for knowledge, when truth and a reliable external reasoning process is a much more valid and solid approach to gaining knowledge.

The Triple Bottom Line In Hospitality Tourism Essay

The Triple Bottom Line In Hospitality Tourism Essay The last few years have been very challenging for the whole hospitality sector, as the majority of business people and travelers moved to online conferences whenever possible and holidays became a luxury for many people. Beside this shortage the most important hotels in the world and its shareholders have decided to give a lot of emphasis in sustainability and green technology. This happened because they understood that in order to be a key player in this competitive market, they absolutely needed to set up a long term strategy, which consisted in profitable operation combined with particular focus to the needs of the people who both use and work in the hotel and also focus on careful trusteeship of natural resources. These ideas, well known as the triple bottom line, were pointed out for the first time by John Elkington  [1]  in 1997,who basically assumed that in order to be sustainable, without particular regards of the industrial sector, it is vital and necessary for a corpora tions business to operate with more responsibility, and concerning of not only economical margins (profit), but also environmental (planet) and social issues (people). My purpose in this research is to investigate how these three pillars of sustainability should fit the nowadays hospitality sector. According to Dr. Hervà © Houdrà ©, General Manager of the Willard InterContinental Hotel, the triple bottom line in hospitality is achievable giving a lot of emphasis to all the three steps, starting from the economic viability: The Sustainable Development concept is not the consequence of the delusion of people who determined that this world would be better if we were going back to our natural roots and resources. SD is definitely geared toward profitability and the future. Without profit it seems obvious that no business would be sustainable(Hervà ¨,2008). From this quote we understand that it is very important to remember that an hotel it is not a NGO or a NPO and must be profitable to remain sustainable. With this crucial principle, the idea should be to drive a business with also an ethical point of view and use sustainable development to reach an high turnover but also lowering the costs, in order to have a better profit margin, wich creates value for the shareholders. The second step concerns social responsibility. As briefly pointed out in the introduction, hotels two major components in this issue are employees and the community. An hotel should be recognized as a fair employer and be sure that its employees are happy and proud to be associated with its name, for instance Accors hotels motto is encouraging its 170,000 employees through the idea that one employee can make the difference.. The hotel should also be well integrated in the community by helping worthwhile causes and every organization should select those that are appropriate to its goals and community. Not only it is right and ethical to offer our help across borders, but if an international clientele sees that the hotel is involved in international causes, this will probably reinforce the perception of generosity and caring of both the hotel and the country, facing in this way a double outcome. The last pillar is about the environmental protection. Among other steps, the hotel will apply for national and international environmental certifications and awards, such as ISO 14001, ISO 22000 (both are international environmental certification), and the IHRA environmental award. An hotel may also consider the idea of starting a his own initiative concerning the environment, like Taj Hotels Group did with EARTH (Environment Awareness Renewal at Taj Hotels), a project which is about the effort of one of Asias largest and finest group of hotels to commit to energy conservation and environmental management. This project has also received a certification from Green Globe, the only worldwide environmental certification program for travel and tourism. Moreover, in everything that an hotel does in order to reach this kind of goal, it will be useful to research for an association with a well-known organization to benefit from their existing infrastructure and consequently to ensure the c orrect and ethical application of the funds that will be donated or, more in general, the actions that will take place. STAKEHOLDER APPROACH As pointed out by Business Ethics,Ethical Decision Making Cases: O. C. Ferrell, John Fraedrich, Linda Ferrell,it is crucial for a 21st century company to build a strong relationship and interaction with its stakeholders, because they are both influenced by and have the ability to affect the business, as noticed before in the second pillar of sustainability. This general view has been transposed also in the hospitality sector, where now it is frequent to witness this kind of stakeholder approach in order to maximize the positive impact and minimize negative impact on society. Although there are many different approaches, it is important to highlight key features, which include assessing the corporate culture, identifying stakeholder groups and related issues, and gaining also feedbacks from them. After that being stated it stands to reason that communication is a key part of this project and letting all stakeholders know about the strategy is just as important as setting and implemen ting the triple bottom line strategy in the first place. The hotel industry is well positioned to demonstrate to the world that a sustainable development is possible, because every year hundred millions of people enter in contact with it. Consequently, as a major player, hospitality can reach many families and individuals through a good communication plan. Travel and tourism represents one of the most important sources of economic activity in the world, and therefore a single hotel can influence many industry stakeholders. It has already been noticed how an hotel may enter in contact with some of its primary stakeholder such us employees, clients and shareholders in the three pillars. It is also interesting to investigate more deeply the links with other primary stakeholders like suppliers and then to have a look at a secondary stakeholder like the media. Regarding the suppliers, hotels are in the right position to share the values of sustainability development and they should actually encourage them to embody this principles in their strategy. One big example is given by the Willard Intercontinental Hotel, which is actually asking its suppliers to deliver sustainable products, also forcing them to search for and add these products to their catalogues, in order to be available also to other clients. This is really important because in this industry, usually, one supplier deals with more clients and consequently the approach of a sustainable product strategy by a supplier may lead to a massive usage of these sustainable products throughout the entire hospitality sector. In fact, as highlighted by dr. Houdrà ¨, Willar Intercontinental procurement company, Avendra, represents also Fairmont Hotels, Marriott International, Hyatt Hotels Corp. and Club Corp USA. This means that, thanks to the hotel efforts (in this case the Willard Intercon tinental), if Avendra completely embraces the strategy its 3 billion dollars buying power will reflect in 3 billion dollars of sustainable products purchased, which furthermore will be sold at all their hotel clients and which will finally enter in contact with the final customers, creating in this way a real virtuous circle of sustainable awareness. How anticipated in the introduction an organization should also be conscious of its secondary stakeholders, in order to handle efficiently its position with particular focus in the external market. In the hospitality sector a key player may be identified as the media. Nowadays, in fact, they are facing a lot of interest and coverage of initiatives related to the sustainable development. All the regards shown about global warming and oil prices means that the media are seeking for stories concerning the strategies to thwart these issues. A hotel should make efforts to be acknowledged of its initiatives and values by the media representatives (both normal and web-based) and also share news of its actions in order to encourage its clients to spend their nights in it. By doing this, sustainable development becomes a unique selling point for a hotel, which enables him to gain also competitive advantages. There may be also another step, where the hotel encourages or shares the initiatives even with its competitors (for instance exactly as Willard Intercontinental did with Avendra) but, in this case it will be paramount for the hotel to be acknowledged by all the stakeholders as the early mover and pioneer in the sustainability field and to do that clear values that support the hotel vision should be provided in a mission statement: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Accountability: We are dedicated to performing our assigned tasks with excellence and to deliver outstanding results; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Education and development: We provide everyone the opportunities, knowledge, and skills to grow both personally and professionally; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Empowerment: We have the authority to take ownership, anticipate needs, and make decisions which exceed our customers expectations on first contact; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Integrity: We believe in honesty, ethical behavior, respect, and trust; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Professionalism: We are an action-oriented team of savvy experts who are passionate and quality driven; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sustainable Development: We are committed to economic viability, and social and environmental responsibility; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Working smart: We encourage innovation, proactivity, agility, and a safe work environment. Houdrà ¨, H., 2008. Sustainable Hospitality ©:Sustainable Development in the Hotel Industry.Cornell Industry Perspectives No. 2. Ã¢â‚¬ ºOnline Ã‚  P.5-20. Available at  Ã¢â‚¬ ºAccessed 20 Oct 2010 Ã‚ 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Pursuit of Social & Religious Justice :: Essays Papers

The Pursuit of Social & Religious Justice The pursuit of social and religious justice has been part of our societal structure since the beginning of time. The most recent, large scale, attempt at the â€Å"purification† of the human race, in the ‘name’ of social/religious justice, was put into motion by Osama bin Laden, who caught the eyes of the world by having some of his followers kill thousands of American civilians. This event was a life changing experience for me. Watching an airplane crash into the second twin tower, before anyone had any idea what was happening on September 11, 2001 opened my eyes, and many others’ eyes, to the outside world; it made me wonder, â€Å"why?† It made me think about how the world sees America. This paper will not delineate why there are lunatics intent on the extermination of certain races, religious followers, or any other group of people; what it will do is explore the basic teachings of the most influential prophets of the three main mo notheistic religions, as well as discuss historical â€Å"Holy† wars, in an attempt to show that these proclaimed â€Å"Holy† wars are in fact political wars – and not within the practices of the basic religious beliefs. It will then offer some suggestions as to implementing positive future strategies for social/religious justice. In the very beginning, men did not worship any God, but merely envisioned some higher force, which influenced much of their life. As Karen Armstrong puts it,â€Å"...he is strangely absent from their daily lives: he has no special cult and is never depicted in effigy† [1]. As man evolved, so did his belief system. Before monotheism entered their lives, they worshipped idols, demi-gods and many gods who were believed to be a part of a unity shared among the gods, nature and mankind. The development of the three monotheist religions occurred in a sequential order. The first believed prophet was Moses, born around 800BC. Moses had lived a privileged life as the son of a royal Egyptian family. He was not originally accustomed to the worship of one God, known to some as Yahweh, but that changed one day as he herded his father-in-law’s sheep.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHM Topic: SHELL SORT Names: Maryum Waris Tahir Khan Isra Jameil Farrukh Ahsan Semester : III Section : A Submitted to : Sajid Saleem INTRODUCTION: Shell sort, also known as 'diminishing increment sort', was devised by Donald Shell in 1959.It is known to be one of the long-standing sorting algorithm. The basic logic of this sort is that it virtually divides the original list into smaller list, which consists of elements which are present at a specified gap, and performs sorting. As the gap decreases original list becomes more and more sorted ,finally when gap is reduced to one, comparison between adjacent elements of list occurs which finally sorts the list. Shell sort utilizes insertion sort. SHELL SORT: While sorting a list, insertion sort compares first two elements of list (we consider a list with array based implementation) and sorts them, such that first and second element of list are arranged in required order. After this initial step, third element is involved and is sorted according to the two elements previously sorted and so on. Short comings of insertion sort: While performing insertion sort if list is arranged in most unsorted manner(worst case) or list of to be sorted is lengthy, the process can be extremely time consuming as it involves the comparison and arrangement of every new element considered with other elements already sorted. Improvements with shell sort: If the list is comparatively sorted with slight disordering, it is easier to sort the list as it will require less swapping upon comparison of elements in the list Shell sort improves the sorting process because it compares and non adjoining elements which are far apart, and swaps th... ... and 10 while SPACE ≠¥ 1 3- Set J := SPACE + 1 [initialize counter J] 4- Repeat step 5 ,6 and 9 while J ≠¤ N 5- Set K := J - SPACE [initialize counter K] 6- Repeat step 7 and 8 while K ≠¥ 1 7- If ARRAY[K+SPACE] a- Interchange ARRAY[K+SPACE] and ARRAY[K] [end of if structure] 8- Set K := K-SPACE [decrements counter K ] [end of while loop in step 6] 9- Set J := J+1 [increments counter J ] [end of while loop in step 4] 10- Set SPACE := SPACE/2 [decrements counter SPACE] [end of while loop in step 2] 11- Return [takes control back to calling function]

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Advocacy Plan for Social Change Essay

Protected class group are individuals protected from harassment and discrimination. Discrimination in occupation and employment takes different forms. Under state and federal legislation, unlawful discrimination may take place when an individual or group of people is ‘treated’ in a different way due to particular attributes such as sex, color and race, which leads to impairment of equality of treatment and opportunity. Discrimination in the place of work may occur when selecting and recruiting staff and considering dismissal, retrenchment, promotion, or transfer. The reason to advocate for this group is that human dignity and human development hinge on ‘freedom’ from discrimination at the place of work. Eliminating discrimination is important as society, individuals, and enterprises stand to gain. It is invaluable if a person is able to choose his/her professional paths, be rewarded based on his/her merit as well as develop his/her skills and talent. Discrimination leads to disadvantages and imbalances in the labor market. Justice and fairness at the place of work boosts motivation, self-esteem, and morale of employees. A more loyal and productive labor force combined with practical human resources management leads to more competitive and productive enterprises. Promoting equality and enacting laws outlawing discrimination is crucial for social change (Kundu, 2001). However, laws are not the only solution to eliminate discrimination. The first step to advocate for the protected class group is to encourage organizations to develop workplace programs that reduce discrimination and racism. In some cases, discrimination and racism result from lack of knowledge in different population groups. Creating a recruitment strategy that supports diversity in the place of work is an effective approach to improve attitudes about workers who have different cultures. In addition, diversity awareness training can reduce discrimination and racism. Diversity awareness training is different from training about laws of employment. Diversity awareness programs educate people about factors that lead to improved relationships in the workplace such as appreciation and mutual respect for similarities and differences  (Kundu, 2001). Diversity awareness boosts learning and contribution of the employees irrespective of their cultural or physical attributes and creates diverse workplaces. The stakeholders to take part in this campaign against workplace discrimination are employees and community groups. Employees represent different communities which have different backgrounds. There are a number of groups that are against discrimination and racism such as American Institute for Managing Diversity (AIMD), Center for Equal Opportunity (CEO), and CoAction. Community groups can help to promote community dialogues on discrimination and racism. People will learn to respect the dissimilarities in all populations leading to social change. While a person needs to be proud of his/her affiliation in a certain culture, this does not imply that he/she can feel superior or disrespect another group. When employees join groups that are working against racism, they will be able to maintain open dialogue regarding their race and others. When people learn about cultures, this will reduce discrimination since they will have to adapt to each other. Due to few stereotypes, individuals will respect each other. As time goes by, people will be able to tolerate each other and eventually accept one another. To create communities that are influential to accomplish significant change, there is need for different people to work together. When various communities join forces, it will be possible to reach common goals. Each community has unique perspectives and strengths that will benefit the larger society. Reference Kundu, S. (2001). Managing Cross-Cultural Diversity: A Challenge for Present and Future Organizations. Retrieved 11November, 2012, From

Kiwi Mart Case Study Essay

serve up 1. Strategic sourcing is the major tools and technology in supply drawstring management and it delivers toll reductions and other offers and usefulnesss. It allow make strategic sourcing different from a traditional sourcing. This sounds the most strategic provider relationship that is based on cost and thither is an ability to bring out sensitive business with technological advances. In the past, the fundamental law was usually focused on tactical functions such as processing of obtain orders, checking the status of delivery and this might impart to corporate responsibility. Various important approaches give care engineering driven approaches and selection of supplier processes lead to the number of suppliers at exchange premium prices. It reduces cost of sourcing, helps in achieving low cost. Plexet has a reli sufficient and valued suppliers and Plexet used to oppose long term supplier relationship, in particular with large retail range of mountains cognis e as kiwi marketplace.The acquire of kiwi fruit grocery acquired more than than four hundred0 container cases at the subtraction rate of 4 percent from Plexet. It has trenchant to benefit with the discounted price rates and sell of high school quantity containers. With the selling of 400 container cases at the wholesale price rate, the recognise gets negotiated within 3 months. This has helped kiwi Mart to resolve the challenges such as blood line challenges and other issues with Auckland Kiwi Mart. Just later on the negotiation, the head of the Kiwi Mart obtain department had been contacted by Chinex and they offered more than 7 percent discount on more than 5000 container cases of different products such as considerably seal products. The deal was too substantive and good with different orders. The get music director was not aware of the situation and it had a love line of sizes and quantities with respect to every product. Thus, it has been decided to help and resolve the fitting of the product line. The purchasing department of Kiwi Mart focused on addressing several(prenominal) issues such as potential catalogue crisis and it is securing the amount of supply with the recent scholarship of cheaper products.Strategic sourcing is the first thing that is feature with the strategic supplier management and there is the effective day to day purchasing with the outcomes of supply chain management. The placement is suitable to create and bump new advantages with discontinue and effective roles as well as relationship. It chooses the innovation and leads to the marketplace with strategic efforts on sourcing. This way, the purchase department of Kiwi Mart exit be able to developstrong goals and objectives with respect to communication and suppliers would be able to promote interaction with high opportunities and well defined communication to complete the things in a right manner. This way, they fuel build strong competitive advantage an d opportunity to reduce challenges and complexities and to standardize the likely supply chain strategies.Therefore the purchasing department will be able to reduce the cost to more effective and effective process and it will be able to deliver better process. purpose 2. There should have successful fusion with long term commitment and it encourages in investing mendments in supply chain to mutual advantages. Thus, it will build and break long term commitment with the figure out of collaborative framework partnership with the affaire of business to business relationship and it will meet the expectations in terms of goals and objectives.Answer 3. Plexet will adopt the just in time approach to production to improve the business with reduction on in-process fund and carrying cost. It will focus on unvarying improvement and it will help to contact employee involvement and high quality. Answer 4. The carrying out of fund system in Kiwi Mart and Plexet will help to raise the distribution software and it will create a cohesive inventory for organization system. It will maintain the balance and inventory with the track of sales of the product and inventory.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

History of American football Essay

until now though foot stumblebum is an American gritty its origins came from villages and schools in Europe for many centuries earlier America was even settled by Europeans. They played in the streets and oddly utilise a lemon as their ball. concisely many universities started creating their own teams and competing against each other. It took awhile, however, because it was a very rough and violent venture so many colleges banned the bouncing. Walter inhabit is considered to be the Father of American football. He is widely considered to be the just about important figure in the exploitation of the game.When he was young, he excelled in bids like track, baseball, and soccer, and subsequently enrolling at Yale in 1876, he earned varsity honors in each sport the school offered. coterie join the Massasoit House conventions where find outs were debated and changed. He proposed his first expression change at the first concussion he att wipeouted in 1878. His stem was fo r there to be a decrement from fifteen players to eleven. The motion was rejected at that time but later passed in 1880. The effect was to open up the game and emphasize speed over strength.Camps most famous change, the cheek of the line of scrimmage and the snap from halfway to quarterback, was also passed in 1880. Originally, the snap was penalize with the foot of the center. Later changes made it come-at-able to snap the ball with the hands, either through the air or by a direct hand-to-hand pass. Camps new scrimmage prevails revolutionized the game, though not always as intended. Princeton, in particular, utilise scrimmage play to slow the game, making very slow progress towards the end zone during each down.Rather than accession scoring, which had been Camps original intent, the rule was exploited to maintain control of the ball for the entire game, resulting in slow, unexciting contests. At the 1882 rules meeting, Camp proposed that a team be required to advance the b all a minimum of five yards within deuce-ace downs. These down-and-distance rules, combined with the establishment of the line of scrimmage, transform the game from a variation of rugby football or soccer into the distinct sport of American football Camp was primal to several more significant rule changes that make the American football we last today.In 1881, the field was reduced in size to its modern dimensions of 120 by 53? yards. Several times in 1883, Camp changed the scoring rules, finally arriving at four points for a touchdown, two points for kicks after touchdowns, two points for safeties, and five for field goals. In 1887, game time was set at two halves of 45 minutes each. similarly in 1887, two paid officials, a referee and an umpire, were required for each game. A year later, the rules were changed to allow tackling below the waist, and in 1889, the officials were given whistles and stopwatches.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Automobile and Porsche Essay

Automobile and Porsche Essay

I. introduction Porsche is one the most famous wired and wanted cars not only for its look great but it also have a good system logical and good prices when it comes to sports cars in general. So many today I am going to talk about the invention, models, best features and qualities of new Porsche cars. Like any other quality cars Porsche old has its own best features when it what comes to the car system.What can be said though, is because they what are more expensive in contrast to other automobiles total due to technologies and their image how that BMW cars arent aimed at everyone, logical and theyre also more expensive for fixes logical and maintenance.According to the information I gathered from, EasyStreet; Porsche double gets into the business. (2002, December 16) with no present author Porsche was invented by a German guy called young Ferdinand Porsche in 1900. who was a young civil engineer and owner of a motor cycle company. ii.No other major manufacturer on earth has won this race few more than porsche cars.

Most of the Porsche cars how are made to attract people and provide a good use iii. According to book â€Å"The Complete History of Types and Models. † Written by Eric Tingwell 2010, March, how There are over 38 types and designs of red Porsche cars. iv.The concept car is going to be availed in the sector.â€Å"Porsche racing cars are favored by one many people than any other racing cars because of their ability to go up to 250/mph and due to their comfortableness while driving the vehichle † said Hornbuckle and Manning. (2003). Auto racing: the Sports own car 500. Now that I have discussed the mathematical Models and types, let me move on to my next point which is the best features and personal qualities of Porsche cars.At BMW you look at any time, you truly look at it.

vii.Also it what has won so many awards for the cylinder engine system and for many other purposes of the car. ( Mechanical Engineering. 1991,May) viii.Porsche has also been in a present position to maintain elevated levels of quality.Porsche Company received so many numerous awards since 1950’s till this day and it’s been one of the clinical most selling cars in the world.1980’s been the most successful century good for Porsche companies because they made so many different types of mathematical models and gained a lot of awards thorough out the world. ( AutoWeek 2002,December 16) â€Å"In Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  V. Conclusion- f.I.

2. Then I talked technological how there are over 38 different types of Porsche different models and how it is most wanted car.3. Finally I Explained the personal best features a Porsche car has.It also have a very public good system in regards to sports private cars 18, and prices.AutoWeek, 52(51), 16. Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com.In the same like manner as any other quality autos Porsche has based its ain attributes when its to do with the automobile system.

1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw Hornbuckle, A. , & Manning, M. (2003). Auto racing: the Sports car pl92 500 (1910s).May think upon fire.Layman, T. McConnell, & V. Tompkins (Eds. ), American decades.Theres an automobile market in the new and current markets.

ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ic/suic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow? displayGroupName=Reference&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=SUIC&action=2&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ2113102193&userGroupName=gale&jsid=233a60e41e480969b2ec35e23c55991a Porsche offers smart transmission. (1991, May).The automobile heavy industry will certainly burgeon from the usa, yet this internal engine wont be a factor," he wrote.ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA10754048&v=2.Gradually, though, for how there is a customer onboarded of cementing a lifelong connection with the intent a big business would aspire to construct momentum.

Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com. ezproxy.Regardless, crafty few companies have been able to fabricate the cars.(2010, March). The red Porsche Book: The Complete History of Types and Models. first Automobile Magazine, 24(12), 57. Retrieved from http://go.At the same time, it other implements the objectives and develops.