Monday, August 19, 2019

Mafia - Original Writing :: Papers

Mafia - Original Writing â€Å"Bang, bang, bang!† Francesco fell to the ground with a thunderous thud. His body on top of Fabio’s, who was taken out only moments earlier. Marco was the only one left; this attack has completely gone wrong. He hid behind a crate in the dark room, surrounded by five other men, all his compatriots have been killed or seriously injured. â€Å"Bang, bang† Marco shot blankly around the room; his inexperienced had just cost him dearly, those two shots gave a clear indication of his whereabouts. One of the men crept up behind him, and smashed his solar plexus with a baseball bat. Soon all five men were circling around him; an elbow struck him in the face, at this point his vision was blurred he couldn’t see clearly anymore. Shortly after the attack towards his face, he received a huge blow in the kidney area, he slowly went down. He could hear the chatter amongst the five men; he could hear their footsteps walking away from him. Marco’s once gigantic figure, lay there motionless, in too much pain to move any part of his body. Thoughts started rushing through his head, the events of the past week, has completely changed his life. A week ago, 16th July 1928, Marco Camoranesi was an ordinary man, earning average income, as a taxi driver in the busy street of New York. That night at about 1:30 in the morning, two middle-aged men entered his taxi. Marco approached them in his usual friendly way, but he soon realized that these men weren’t your ordinary New-Yorker. â€Å"Just loose those two cars behind us, you will be rewarded.† Marco was frightened, he knew that there were Mafia gangs around where he lived, but he was one of those people that thought that he was never going to see or be involved in their activities. â€Å"B†¦..but†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Marco stutters, but he had no chance to finish, as one of the men behind him put a gun on his head, â€Å"Drive!!!† Marco had no

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