Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Change Management Processc

Task: You have been asked to oversee a major change management process in your organisation (fact or fictional). Write an essay of about outlining how you would manage this change. In your essay you must address the following key points:   †¢ Outline the change that is going to take place;   †¢ What approach you will take in managing the change;   †¢ What are the key elements that you will have to manage during the change process?   †¢ What approaches will you use to measure the success of the change process?   †¢ What will be your approach to incorporating the learnings from the change process into future change management activities?    Change management is defined as the process of changing various aspects of an organization or a company, such as production procedure, employee performance, the work environment of the employees and many others. An organization has many different aspects to deal with. Sometimes some of an aspect may cause harm to the organization. Then it is severely necessary to change that particular aspect. There are three steps of bringing any change to the organization. First, the problems need to be identified by the management, then the problem or the issue should be properly analyzed, and the source of the problem should be identified, and finally the final step is to solve the problem with required skill and confidence. The change management is one of the most important aspects of running an organization successfully. Many organizations including some large scale organization had bankrupted just because of lack of change of the required issues. Similarly for an health care organization, the issues should be avoided by adopting proper change. At the period of getting some changes in an organization, at first, the management of the organization has to search the faults of the organization, here a health care organization (Change management, 2007). After that, the problems are needed to be sorted out and then the finding problems are come to know how these problems can be overcome. The management of a health care organization always needs to be perfect and to serve to people properly. So if any problems to the organization come where it can’t get as profit as it got at the previous time, it may take some changes over the working process of the management. Through the way of getting the output, the process of change project would point out the problems relevant to the up gradation of software and hardware equipment, improvement of personnel training; empowerment of employees has extra motives and environment of the workplace (Pugh & Mayle, 2009). To begin the changes the management needs to have some agreement like th ese changes would never get a change directly to the organizational culture as it could meet resistance and smell failure in a very short period. So the pointed problems of the company are needed to get an eye over it. A health care organization or hospital depends upon different factors such as, the communication between hospital management and the patient as well as their family members, the proper use of the surgical equipment, the procedure of medical examination and many others. Other than that, updated hardware and software equipment is also important to the organization. Then it comes to the efficient and skillful work of the workers or employees of the organization (Greener & Hughes, 2006). How the fresher workers can be more efficient to their job, it comes under the eye of training period of the trainees. So the training of the fresher workers' is much important to get more benefitted. Management of a health care organization provides trainers for training the new joiners of the company as they can give them more responsibilities and get more profit than what they are getting right now. When these all new joiners get over their training period, they will be more experienced and skillful from what they were at the first day of joining. But these all problems would get changes without affecting the organizational culture of the company because the changes of the organizational culture can reach to the root of the company and it can give positive and negative both kinds of effects to the organization. Another problem that can be taken under changes is an environment of the workplace which is a major and effective problem of an organization (Hughes, 2007). The communication between the management and the workers must be more pleasant. Similarly the communication between the management or the workers and the patient and their family members must be nice. Thus if there is any problem with the communication, it should be modified or changed.   After the findings of the problems of the health care organization, there will be some approaches to the higher authority of the company. The communicational approach is one of the most valuable approaches to the management (Hughes, 2007). Communication between the leaders and their employees' should be friendlier for the improvement of the outcome of the given project. If the understanding between the management and the health care workers does not meet converges to the ultimate aim the output of the work won't be beneficial. Another point of approach is up gradation of the medical examination procedure. Backdated equipment gives an output to the respect of the given input, but more updated equpment gives a better performance to the respect of given one. The medical examination procedure is synchronized to the benefit of the organization, so it is very important to get changes in case of examination procedure as well as (Victor & Franckeiss, 2002). In the event of this change, the a pproach to the authority should point on time. Time is very important to an organization as they want to have a maximum job to the respect of minimum time. So this is what every organization needs from their employees to get benefited of to the respect of time. If a company gets more performance by the respect of time, the management will get more profit. So the up gradation of the hardware and software equipment will squeeze the working time. Employees can provide maximum output in respect of less time (Victor & Franckeiss, 2002). There is another approach to the management of the organization which will be polite environment at the workplace. If the fresh workers can get polite behavior, friendlier attitude from the trainers they can understand their job more frequently and this can give more benefit to the company. As the new joiners will follow their job more successively, they can provide their performance soon. So the trainers of the management should be more polite in nature and friendlier to their trainees. When a new joiner won't get scared to ask his or her trainer about their queries they will be close to their service more easily. So these are the approaches which can be put in front of the management to update their job strategies. So the approaches will be based on communication between leaders and employees, time management which could run the company more frequently with the help of updated hardware and software equipment, polite behavior and friendlier environment in the workplace, understanding attitudes of the trainers towards the trainees. These all could be beneficial to the organization (Maruca, 2006). Now the key elements or the factors which should be changed for the management of the company has been discussed earlier (Lewis, Passmore, & Cantore, 2011). For getting a better outcome the management of the organization should pay attention to the aspect of updating hardware and software equipment of the company, inspire the workers to do their job in more efficient and better method, making a good and motivational environment for the fresher workers of the organization. These are the key points or elements need to be managed during the period of getting changes in the organization. When the workers get a refreshed environment, they can perform in a relaxed mind and give the most skillful job to the management. So the management should reserve a separate time to make refreshment to the workers of the organization (Calvez & Guà ©nette, 2003). As they are getting a time of food, they can relax at that time and get the energy to perform better. Like this, the environment of the workpl ace should be lighter as the employees would be able to do the most skillful job at the place where they are working. There is another finding of a problem on the backdated technological versions of the working equipment of the company. At first, the old versions of the medical examination equipment should be removed. After that management should put an eye on the new versions of the technology, and then they will appoint some workers to find the ultimate equipment what the organization needs (Murrell & Meredith, 2000). Then the management will get that updated equipment to the company and let their experienced workers put a try on those. If the experienced workers can perform better job through the innovative technology adaptation, the company will spare other workers to work with that new version equipment. The performance of the workers will get higher, and company will get maximum profit in minimum time. Next there comes the communication gap between the trainers and trainees. I n the maximum cases, the communication between trainers and the trainees are not so smooth that is why the post-training period performance of the most of the employees are not so well (Schermerhorn, Osborn, & Hunt, 2000). The atmosphere of the training period should be friendlier towards the trainees. The relation between trainees and trainers should be more refreshed as the trainees can clear their queries through a peaceful mind and after they reach to their post-training period, they will be able to perform a better job. These are the key elements of the problems which should be given more attention at the time of changes.  Ã‚   The above-mentioned issues or problems severely harm the organization or the company. Thus to run the health care organization successfully some changes must be taken by the management of the organization (Kerber & Buono, 2007). Suppose if a company is constantly getting negative remarks from the patient or their family members then there must be some problem with their service. In that case they to be more creative and more satisfactory towards their patients. The better is the satisfaction of the patients the more will be the profit of the organization or the company. There are various approaches to the management of the change process. The organization or to be more precise the management have to be more conscious towards various aspects of the organization. For example the training process of the fresher employees, the work environment of the employees, the communication between the management and the patients and their family members, hardware and software development of the com pany and so many (Peppers & Rogers, 2011). The training process of the fresher employees is one of the basic requirements in the way to develop the business of the company. If there is any problem in the training process then in future the employees will have to face some problems regarding their work. That means it is the responsibility of the management to provide the most experienced trainer for the training process. Another important thing is the duration or time of the training. Every employee does not have equal merit, so sufficient time should be given to the fresher to know the process of the work. This is how the employee can gain required skill and confidence to deal with their job. The communication between the trainer and the employee should be pleasant and nice. Otherwise, it may cause disobedience of the fresher employees (Finch, 2011). Other than these aspects there are many another aspect to which the management should pay attention, like the work environment of the employees. The leader of the company as well as the human resource manager must be motivating and supportive towards his employees. The management should also look after the basic requirements of the employees. Suppose an employee is working in a room where there is no fan. Naturally it would not satisfy the employee who will ultimately harm the company. The hardware and software development of the company is also a very important factor. The management of the organization or the company must recruit employees who can successfully develop the hardware and software systems of the company. For example in most of the large-scale industries, including some renowned health care organizations the head of the company operates the database of each and every employee. Thus, if there is a problem with a database system, it might harm the security of the organization (Baldoni, 2005). These are some approach that the company or the organization should take to get rid of any downfall of the comp any. Change management is something that always includes a cause and an effect. The basic causes for which the changes must be taken are already discussed in above paragraph (Kessler, 2013). If there is the cause, there must be an effect. Here also, there is a great effect of the change process which is obviously benefactor for the health care system. A health care system or a hospital is a place where people come to get rid of their physical problems, thus a health care by adopting the mentioned changes can serve the people in a much better way. It may also be considered as the advantages of the required changes. If a organization is having some problem with any of its aspect, naturally it must be changed or modified (Arsenault, 2004). The process of changing various aspects is also mentioned. In totality, the main effect is the betterment or the improvement of the organization or the company. If the company is having any problem with its training procedure, taking the above-mentioned st eps can cause helpful to the fresher employees. If there is any issue regarding the patient satisfaction of the hospital, the process of service must be changed or modified. It will result in positive remarks or feedback of the patient and their family members, and if the patients are satisfied with the service, the organization will surely be benefited. If there is any problem with the work environment of the employees or employee satisfaction, the company or the organization will be harmed (Topolosky, 2000). To prevent this problem the leaders, human resource manager and the whole management of the organization have to be influential as well as supportive towards the workers of the company. If the communication between the workers and the management is good, there will be a pleasant and nice working environment. As a result, the whole organization will be benefited and the workers or employees of the organization will get a better environment to work which will be satisfactory eno ugh to them. Not only these but there are also some other advantages of bringing some required change to the company. Like if the database system of the company is strong or if the controller of that database system is efficient and dedicated towards their work the, the management will be able to secure their company. The recruiting process as well the human resource manager must be loyal and dedicated towards his job. This will provide the organization with a lot of efficient workers or employee. The leadership of the organization, being one of the most important parts, should be changed or modified by their requirements. The main perspective or the point of the essay is to bring out the reasons, for which the change is needed, the changing process of the selected aspects and the benefits it will provide to the organization or the company as a whole (DR.K.VANITHA, 2012).  Ã‚  Ã‚   The above essay is all about change management in a health care organization, its cause, and effect to a particular organization or community. Organizational development is something that depends on each and every sector of a company including its service procedure, employee performance, the efficiency of the leaders, patient feedback and many. The issues that harm these sectors are already mentioned in the above passage including the approaches that should be taken to develop the company as a whole. If a health care organization successfully maintains these ways of change then it will surely be able to get rid of some issues. Since few decades, the lack of change management has caused severe harm to many renowned and well-settled companies including some hospitals. Similarly, some organization has also managed to develop their working process and business successfully with the help of change management. Thus, change management is always very important for an organization or a compan y as a whole.   Arsenault, B. (2004). Adapting to Change.  Journal Of Ambulatory Care Management,  27(3), 237-241. Calvez, V. & Guà ©nette, A. (2003). An approach to change management.Thunderbird International Business Review,  45(5), 629-636.   DR.K.VANITHA, D. (2012). Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction. Greener, T. & Hughes, M. (2006). Managing change before change management.Strat. Change,  15(4), 205-212. Harrington, H., Conner, D., & Horney, N. (2000).  Project change management. New York: McGraw Hill. Hughes, M. (2007). The Tools and Techniques of Change Management.  Journal Of Change Management,  7(1), 37-49.   Kerber, K. & Buono, A. (2007). Enhancing Change Capacity. Client-Consultant Collaboration and Emergent Change. Kessler, E. (2013).  Encyclopedia of management theory. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. Lewis, S., Passmore, J., & Cantore, S. (2011).  Appreciative inquiry for change management. London: Kogan Page. Looking for an answer 'who will do my essay for cheap', .com has the perfect solution for you. We boast highly skilled and talented 3000+ essay writers , who are committed to providing needed essay help to students in Australia. They resolve students' academic problems and make sure students are well-equipped to write a good quality essay. Hence, students don't need to waste their time in searching, 'who will write my essay at cheap ', instead they pay for the best essay help services at .com. 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